How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar power is a promising alternative energy source to fossil fuels and conventional electricity sources. This energy comes from the sun, which is free and abundant. Although it can be used for home heating, many people are now turning to solar energy systems as an effective means to cut energy costs.

Solar AdelaideThe process of converting solar power into energy is not overly complex. Photovoltaic cells (PV) are the main component of any solar panel system. A photovoltaic cell is simply a semiconductor that can absorb energy from sunlight. There are two types of common semiconductors – polariton based and gallium arsenide based.

Solar cells are made of silicon, one of the most widely used semiconductors globally. Silicon is the most abundant element on earth, which means it is needed in large quantities to make solar panels. Silicon is often mixed with other elements such as phosphorus to increase its effectiveness at absorbing solar power. In addition to silicon, other materials are also added to create a suitable solar panel system. These materials include indium phosphide, indium oxide, gallium phosphate, and boron. A variety of other substances can be mixed to improve the effectiveness of a solar panel system, depending on what is needed for the system.

Panels need connections, which are created by connecting PV cells to one another. The connection between panels is made through what is called power optimizers. Power optimizers are special circuit boards that act as connectors between solar energy converting panels and power optimizers. Power optimizers are made of plastic, copper, or other conductive materials. Some of these types of material are also called capacitors, so they are sometimes called Capacitors.

When the sun’s rays hit solar panels, electrons move from the panels to the power converter. The converter of Solar Adelaide converts the electrons into AC electricity. The difference between the DC energy from the panels and the AC electricity is supplied by “net metering devices”. Net metering devices catch the energy from the sun and transfer it to batteries for storage. Net metering devices are typically attached to the front of the solar panels.

The solar panels in Solar Adelaide work together as a sort of single device. The solar panels work together with an inverter to “change the DC energy of the panels to AC energy”. The inverter converts the AC power back to the battery bank for storage. This entire process is completed at night when daytime solar energy is most efficient. This whole process of a solar panel system can run on batteries and then be stored so that the battery can be used when there is not much sunlight available.